Value Added Services

Offering additional confidence with value added services

Value Added Services photo of woman and male advisor.

While our philosophy, planning strategy, and process revolve around core pillars, we also spend time doing things for our clients that add value to our relationship. A few examples include putting together business plans, helping establish retirement plans or exit strategies for business owners, reviewing employee benefits offered by a new employer, helping with negotiating a lease or loans, assisting family members when a loved one has passed, and coaching children on finances. Below are a few examples of personal and business services we can help you with.

Personal Financial Services

We offer these value-added services to our clients as part of being a trusted resource for anything related to our client’s financial picture and confidence.

Employer-sponsored benefits review. Your financial wellness is an important part of financial planning. As part of the value-added services we provide to our clients, we review the employee benefits offered by your employer. We believe this improves employee well-being, helps you feel empowered instead of stressed, and allows you to better utilize your employer-sponsored benefits.

Mortgage and debt planning. Financial advisors are experienced at helping you get your financial life in order. As part of the value-added services we provide to our clients, we help with debt planning. This includes activities like negotiating leases, a payment schedule for unsecured debt, and more benign debt considerations like getting a mortgage.

By mapping out your cash flow, we can identify existing and potential problems. Likewise, analyzing and restructuring your debt allows us to consider any beneficial options available to you. Each situation is different and a financial advisor will be able to help you create a long-term plan.

Family strategy meetings. Having “family money talks” isn’t always easy, but these conversations are critical in conveying your desires. During these talks, we can express your desires to transfer wealth, explain philanthropic ventures, discuss care needs, and give family members a voice in the process.

As part of the value-added services we provide to our clients, we coach your children and other loved ones on managing their finances, and we support them through a variety of activities that are required after your death.

Risk and exposure management. As you age, you will enter a variety of different stages. These stages include building your career, family, home, and lifestyle, where a greater amount of protection may be needed at different stages. At each stage, your risk and insurance needs will change. As part of our value-added services, we help you assess your risk exposure and determine a plan for mitigating these risks. Learn more about risk exposure management and insurance needs at every stage of your life with our life events timeline.

Business Planning Factors

Several business planning factors can impact the economic security of a business owner’s family.

Executive and employee benefits and compensation review. Executive compensation focuses on both cash and non-cash approaches. Helping business owners manage executive compensation and retirement plan management are some of the value-added services we offer. The size and structure of the business can significantly influence your compensation systems. Large businesses tend to provide owners with sophisticated and sometimes complex compensation formulas. Small businesses tend to adopt a more straightforward compensation approach. Examples of compensation may include insurance benefits, qualified retirement plans, stock options, personal performance initiatives, and other tax-advantaged nonqualified plans.

Retirement plan management. Retirement plan Management is a specialized area of practice that requires a servicing professional with an in-depth understanding and knowledge of requirements and any unique challenges that may arise. We can help you avoid liabilities and stay on track with your fiduciary responsibilities. We can also help you take control of your employee’s financial wellness. We offer executives and staff the approaches and strategies designed for a broad range of needs, and product choices to implement these strategies.

Risk management. Starting and running a business carries its own set of risk exposures. One of the value-added services we offer is business risk management. Risk management identifies your options for handling these risks, such as:

  • The type of business entity you choose
  • The state you choose to do business in
  • How you manage your business
  • Your human capital and resources
  • Your tax burden
  • Insurance for protecting your business

Risk management is intended to minimize financial and other losses to your business that are potentially associated with these risks. Managing that exposure is key to growing a healthy business.

Exit planning. All owners will exit their businesses at some point, and mapping out what a smooth exit looks like is an important process. Another one of the value-added services we offer business owners is exit and succession planning. Through this, we focus on issues specific to business owners and shareholders, including supporting your retirement and your family’s future. It coordinates the management of your entire business lifecycle through:

  • Risk management
  • Distributions to the owners
  • Succession planning

Succession planning. Succession plans focus on the transition of a business from an existing owner to a new owner. Although key factors vary extensively with business type and industry, there are some factors common to all business transitions including the creation of a sellable business and the formulation of specific transition mechanics at the time of sale. Additional succession planning issues include positioning a business for sale, determining valuation and terms, grooming senior management, and creating strategic alliances.


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