With our simple risk assessment you can see if your portfolio matches your risk tolerance.
When it comes to investment risk in a volatile market, understanding your level of risk is critical. That’s because there is power in defining how much risk you want, how much you need to take to realize gains, and how much you actually have in your portfolio.
But, investment risk is not easy to spot or quantify. The behavioral tendency is to take market action based on the past. The problem with this scenario is that you don’t see the risk until it’s too late and you’ve lost money.
What if you could quantify your level of risk with a number? With our simple risk assessment, you can see your Risk Number in just a few minutes.
The investment risk technology harnesses a patented computational platform that won a Nobel Prize for Economics in 2002. This Risk Number is a quantitative way to pinpoint how much risk you want, how much risk you need to take to reach your goals, and how much investment risk you have in your portfolio. By taking a simple five-minute assessment, your level of risk can be quantified into this single number.
Your advisor will use your portfolio’s Risk Number and a 95 percent probability range to set expectations for what is normal for your portfolio.
Check out the Periodic Table of Asset Classes which is a proprietary index developed to express relative risk.
Knowing your Risk Number can help you identify what your expectations of risk are, where you are vulnerable in your portfolio, and how you can mitigate these risks. Let’s get started on your way to becoming a fearless investor.
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